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My Opinion: By Mr. Samir Sethi – President IRSF (Indian Rett Syndrome Foundation) – On order drugs (Price Control) amendment order 2019

I think this is a positive move of the Government. We know that pharma companies have been shying from entering the Indian market specifically with their new formulations and molecules due to the Drug Price Control Order. If adequate protection and assurance is provided by the Government, this would encourage the pharma companies to introduce the new drugs and formulations, perhaps at the same time as being done else where. This would ensure that the suffering Indian patients would not be deprived of these new research initiatives of the pharma companies.

However, as expected these new formulation and molecules would certainly be exorbitantly priced making it perhaps out of reach for many. This is where the Government should step in to step in subsidize or make bulk purchase at a negotiated price to make these drugs with in reach of the needy. A balance would have to be created.

I also feel such introductions would also encourage indigenous pharma companies to look at option of making Bio-Similar which can then be marketed at much economical prices. A case in point that comes to my mind is the story of Viagra, which led the way for may Indian pharma companies to manufacture bio-similar and market at prices which was perhaps fraction of the cost of the original molecule.

Order Drugs (Price Control ) Amendment Order 2019

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