people, 20,000 in Korea ,10,000 in Taiwan and 2000 in Australia .
In China, rare disorder is defined as one that affects less than 1/500,000 people or one that has a neonatal morbidity of less than 1/10,000.
Stated as the prevalence per 10,000, the number used in USA is 7.5, in Europe it is 5, in Japan it is 4, in South Korea it is 4, Australia it is 1.1 and Taiwan it is 1.0.
Thus, a country defines a rare disease most appropriate in the context of its own population, health care system and resources.
India, like many developing countries, currently has no standard definition. Considering the large population of India, ORDI suggests a disease to be defined as rare if it affects 1 in 5,000 people or less.