Good news and a novel FDA approved treatment for MPS- I Homologous stem cell therapy. Read more: #RareDisease #rayofhope #OrphanDrug...
An article from ” @ The Hindu” today on the scarcity/ unavailability of drugs for #RareDisease patients who are facing loss of #accesstomedicines due to #COVID; supply interruption of #importeddrugs is a threat to...
Each year the month of July strives to raise awareness about what is known as the “forgotten cancer”. Let us all join our hands in the fight against Sarcoma and...
Today is World Sjögrens Day; it was established by the Sjögren Syndrome Foundation more than a decade ago and is the birthday of Dr. Henrik...
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis is a rare disease that affects children under 16 years; impacting approx. 1 in 1000 children Early recognition of arthritis is extremely important for better life quality...
This July 12th is celebrated as the World Heterochromia Day, or the Different Colored Eyes Day. This day recognizes those who have two different colored eyes! Let us celebrate this...
Happy Doctor’s Day to all the doctors who always put their patients first and do their best to gift health to their patients.A doctor is bestowed with the eye to...
Today is World Vitiligo Day. Join us in raising awareness on this chronic disease and in rooting for Vitiligo Warriors...
Today is International Dravet Syndrome Awareness Day. A rare disease on the spectrum of SCN1A-related disorders. Join us as we raise awareness and celebrate Dravet Warriors...