In lieu of Brain Tumor Awareness day 8th June 2020, ORDI expresses solidarity towards the cancer warriors. Because not many people are aware of the battles they fight. We appreciate...
Mr. Amit Pallath, a sports enthusiast, Entrepreneur and an inspiration. Despite all odds, caused due to a Rare autoimmune condition- Multiple Sclerosis, Amit has risen above as a true warrior....
Our overarching goal is to create better awareness and better access to diagnosis and treatment. Join hands with ORDI and raise your voice for Rare Diseases! #HDAI_ie #CureHD #HuntingtonSC #Huntington’s...
We, @ORDIndia thought it’s only fair to wrap up May 2020 with a refreshing Sunday and tons of Sunshine. May is #Praderwillisyndromeawareness month and we are proud of these powerpacked...
Today, in lieu of World MS Day, we would like to do our bit by standing in solidarity with Global MS Warriors. Awareness matters; it’s the key early intervention and...
In solidarity with Ehlers- Danlos Awareness month, @ORDIndia wishes to contribute it’s share of awareness and education on Rare Diseases. Join hands with us and do your bit for the...
This May 29th, we observe the International Addison’s Day. Let’s come together and join hands to raise awareness amongst the general public and decision- makers about Addison’s disease and help...
On the occasion of 7th DNA Day of VIT, 14th March 2020 by Department of Biomedical Sciences, Our Founder Director, Mr. Prasanna Shirol was invited to inaugurate the event as...
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