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ARK St. John’s Hospital Inauguration

Organization for Rare Diseases India and St. John`s Medical College and Hospital have signed an MoU (Memorandum of Association) to Support Children with Rare Kidney Diseases & their Families

Rare kidney diseases include more than 150 rare disorders, generally characterized by low prevalence and often with multifactorial causation; these disorders often have a major im-pact on kidney function and general health. Although individually rare, they collectively af-fect millions around the world. More than 150 rare kidney diseases are recognized; most are inherited.
Alliance for Rare KIDneys brings together the expertise of St. John’s Paediatric Nephrology and ORDI to establish the Rare Disease Care Coordination Center (RDCCC) at SJMCH, Bengaluru. The function was organized to inaugurate “Alliance for Rare KIDneys” support group.

The function was jointly inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Jesudoss Rajamanickam, Director, SJMCH, Rev. Tony AJ, Associate Director- Finance, SJMCH, Dr. Tony D S Raj, Dean of St. John`s Re-search Institute, Dr. Priya Pais, Professor and Head, Department of Pediatric Nephrology Master Karthik & Ms Likitha- patients, Mr. Prasanna Shirol, Co-founder & Executive Direct-tor, ORDI at Unit of Hope, St John’s Medical College Hospital

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